Our Approach

We learn our beliefs through our parents, our teachers, our experiences, what we read, what we see and what we observe. Some are empowering and positive and some are the opposite.

From the brain's perspective, a belief is nothing more than a reinforced pattern that creates a strong neuro-pathway which, in turn, determines how we behave. Humans are naturally averse to taking risks. Your brain is programmed to prevent you from any harm, whether physical or emotional.

“Your brain views change at any level as a risk and will strive to protect you – sometimes this is good for you BUT SOMETIMES IT IS NOT"

So what keeps you; your team and your organization from changing - achieving all your goals and dreams? It may be a negative voice - a 'Gremlin' inside your head that's chock-full of fear telling you all the reasons why you won’t succeed. At Triple Brain Solutions we belief that change is only possible if you remove the 'Gremlin' from Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind. Only then is change possible and can we with confidence rely on the process to yield the results we aspire towards.

“People don’t resist change – they resist being changed"